Yad Hashmona is a Moshav Shitufi (Communal village), which is a type of a cooperative village similar to a Kibbutz, where members share collective ownership of land, service and agricultural responsibilities, while personal income remains the responsibility of the household.
Following the establishment of the State of Israel, and the return of the Jewish people from all over the world to their homeland, Israel began to flourish, leading to tourism and volunteerism. In the 1960s, waves of Christian young adults traveled to Israel to volunteer on the kibbutzim.
The name of our Moshav “Yad Hashmona” means “Hand to the Eight”. “Hand”, in Hebrew “Yad”, means “in memory of”. The name was given by the Finnish founding member’s group in memory of the eight Jewish refugees who perished during the Holocaust.
To Continue the vision of the early Messianic Pioneers in the Land as a vital, active and growing “Moshav Shitufi” of Israeli believers.
To use the land for the advancement of Biblically based spiritual activities, fellowship and sustainability.
To expand the village with additional housing so more families can join the vision of this community, and be a testimony of faith in the God of Israel through work and service.
“Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, do not spare; Lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes… For you and your descendants …shall make the desolate cities inhabited.” Isaiah 54:2–3 (NKVJ)